Wearing A Mask

Click Here for the CDC’s recommendations on wearing a mask and tips for making a homemade mask.

Hitting Reset

I imagine a lot of us woke up today in a very similar mood? After walking with my wife (at 6 feet) and Phoebe, our dog (not at 6 feet), I checked out the New York Times and saw this graph. It was uplifting to me. What we are doing will work.

So, during these times most of us have been given the opportunity to hit reset on our lives. Here’s a couple thoughts

Sleep – If I don’t get 7-9 hours at night, I’m going to the basement and finding a book from med school – if you know what I mean ;). These days offer us plenty of time to take a nap. Serenity.

Steps – I’ve picked a number I want to hit each day. The outdoors will be my sanctuary during this time. Nature is offering us 3 very POWERFUL things. Emotional, mental, and physical health. All in one serving. Our neighborhood streets are filling up with people. Awesome.

Social – Isolation? I have more time now than ever to text, call, email friends when it has just been too long. We had a neighborhood happy hour on the driveway last night (at 6 feet). There is time.

Self-care – Oh my gosh, were we given a window. Sure, there are some limitations right now, but (IMO) more in opportunity. Get rid of bad habits (I’m losing my phone for the weekend) and just do you. All is good. Anything you choose. Right answer.

Schedule– Yesterday, I booked a hotel at the Grand Canyon for December. That made me very happy. Reminds me of what Joseph Addison said, “Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”

Physical Distancing Challenge

Our team has been brainstorming a lot over the last few days and we’ve decided to do a Physical Distancing Challenge.

How are you maintaining 6 feet and SAVING LIVES!?

The more creative, the better. The more movement, even better.

Is it going for a walk with your loved one (and a pet!)?
Is it catching up on a podcast while you walk?
Is it riding bikes with your kids?
Is it getting outside to see a beautiful sunset or sunrise?
Is it a solo dance party or home workout?

We want to see your inner hero! Like Dr. Rocha.

Share your ideas, pictures, and videos on social media using #PhysicalDistancing and tag @walkwithadoc so we can share with others.

Facebook Group

We’ve also launched a brand new WWAD Facebook Group – please join and share your ideas to help encourage others. We can remain socially connected even during a period of physical distancing.

Care Package

Unprecedented suckiness going on right now, there is NO doubt. We’re all seeing the same news and it’s shocking us all, every hour. When things go sideways, it never hurts to receive a care package. We tried to throw one together for you.

1) Please utilize these precious upcoming days to practice self-care. Get your 7-9 hours of sleep and feel proud about hitting that benchmark. Guess what sleep does for your immune system?

2) Journal for a few minutes. The Five-Minute Journal asks you to write 3 things you are grateful for, 3 things that would make today great and asks for an affirmation (Today, I am…). Trust me, it works.

3) Go for a walk. Don’t laugh, all the leaders are recommending it. Go for a walk outside. Go for a lot of walks outside. Guess what walking does for your immune system? Guess what nature does for your immune system? Every single one of us will be dealing with a (temporary) new level of stress – buffer it way down with these walks. We need them now as much as ever. We are not helpless – we can and we will do this.
Out of the ashes, rises the phoenix.

4) Social distancing does not have to mean social isolation. Make calls, write letters, send texts to people just because. Watch that show on Netflix your friend’s been wanting you to see and talk to them about it. Stay in the game. This is temporary. 

5) PLEASE listen to our leaders at WHO and CDC. This is real. China and South Korea are seeing great progress with their interventions. Let’s be positive. Let’s be supportive and let’s learn from those that have been there. Seeing the way through this is more than half the battle. You can rejoice in your sacrifice.

6) Perform senseless acts of kindness. Give a stupid big tip to someone not expecting it. Someone has just given you the power to profoundly turn someone’s day around. Jump on it. Guess what ‘Helper’s High’ does for your immune system? Yep.

7) Look at U-Haul. There are going to be mountains of people and corporations rising to answer the call. Celebrate it, join it, and remember it when all this is over.

8) Bake this simple bread. The smell, the warmth, the taste – ahhhh. Life’s pleasures. This woman isn’t worried about missing the Zac Brown Band Concert

9) Think how happy your pets are with everything being canceled. They just hit the jackpot. We can take this time to more appropriately return the love of our dogs and cats that are SO happy when we’re with them. And if you’ve been thinking about positively changing your life?

10) There’s an iconic nephrologist in Columbus named Lee Hebert, MD. He told us a story on kidney rounds I will never forget. Thousands of years ago, on a gorgeous tropical island, all the trees were talking amongst themselves. A horrible, deadly storm was scheduled to pass through that night. The oak trees said, “We’re Mighty Oaks, we’re going to stand tall and strong. Nothing is going to mess with us!”
The palm trees said, “So this thing is just supposed to last a few hours? We’ll just lean over and let the storm come through.” Well, the storm came as scheduled and the following morning there wasn’t a single oak within 75 miles of this island. That same morning, every single palm tree yawned, rubbed its eyes, stood tall and looked around at all its beautiful palm tree neighbors.

Let’s be palm trees, together.
-Dr. David Sabgir