Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day Weekend to all!
A little bit of a different spin this morning. You may be aware that we’ve had a dream partnership with the Texas Medical Association for 12 years now. Our incredible Bryan Romey just returned from representing us in Dallas at TexMed, their largest annual conference. He had a poster, coordinated a highly attended WWAD event, staffed our busy WWAD booth, presented to multiple groups, and even managed to catch the Dallas Mavericks Game 6 win. Texas has all the more been on our minds recently – the following letter is from Texas.
I’ve previously shared that every day at the Walk office is like Christmas morning to me. This is a perfect example of why. With this letter, the amazing Dr. Susan Pike (a plastic surgeon in Round Rock) shares why Walk with a Doc is so important to me and all of our doctors. This letter is addressed to the Texas Medical Association leadership that has made WWAD a reality in their great state. -Dr. David Sabgir.

Subject: WWAD
In the discussion regarding the value and statistics surrounding the WWAD program,
I wanted to share a couple of stories from my Walk this week. I have had an older couple coming with regularity for many months. They learned about the program from a sign they saw in the hospital during the husband’s stay. He has multiple medical problems and mobility has been an issue, I am guessing diabetes is among his issues. He has grown steadily stronger and leaner in the months I have known him and his effort is considerably diminished than when they first joined us.
They told me this weekend they are moving to Tucson. Before I could say I would miss them, the wife shot out, ” Don’t worry, we have already looked up the WWAD program and found our group out there!” This is IMPACT.
Another regular walker, one of the speedy ones, who comes with her entire family was waiting for me at the snack area after completing her walk, as I always bring up the rear for safety reasons. She told me two women, new to our community, had stopped by to see what the program was about and she had filled them in on the purpose, schedule, and had them sign up for the email list. This is (community) OWNERSHIP.
Finally, you know I support the WWAD program wholeheartedly. I come away each time feeling energized, positive, and as if I have touched someone in a way I cannot otherwise do in my office… This is physician and community WELLNESS.
Go forth and build your empires.
Susan M. Pike, MD