This segment of the newsletter contains moments of satire and no actual Skittles were harmed during its creation.
Good morning! I must confess. Daily/monthly step counts have become important to me. To the point where I needed to dive deeper and figure out just exactly why.
Before we jump in, what actually is a good daily step count? 7,500 (or more) – at least according to this study in JAMA.
Here’s why I find step counts important:
1. Physical activity and all the beautiful wellness that goes along with it. Want to dramatically cut your risk of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and dozens more diseases? Look no further than a simple walk.
2. Social connection
My wife and I love connecting with old friends and new ones during walks. The more steps we have on the 31st the more time we spent with people we care about. Mission critical and more to come in this arena.
3. Walk with a Doc
The more steps we have the more time I spent in that very special place of WWAD. Seriously, I always leave WWAD feeling like tackling the world. I love that special place! It’s like Willy Wonka without the Oompa Loompas.
4. Creativity
The more steps on our pedometers, the wider our creative gates are opened. This translates to more problems solved and more stupid newsletters written.
5. Less sedentary time
The more steps we take the less time we spent sitting.
6. Stress relief – Big time.
All of us have times in our day that are more challenging than others. The more steps we have, the more time we’re pursuing what our teachers call a “mature defense mechanism”. And, the less time I’m of dipping my paw into the office supply of Skittles (please see the disclaimer, a cardiology office would never approve a jar of Skittles).
7. Nature
Most of these steps are going to be outside and more of them likely mean more time spent outdoors. Let’s hear it for keeping our amygdala happy.
8. More dog time
Our 2 dogs love walking as much as my wife and I, so much so that it just has to be genetic. Quality time with the pups is quality time all-around.
9. Less time in the car
These steps represent all the times we decided to walk and get Honeycrisp apples as opposed to getting in the car and singing Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs until we arrive at Kroger (Wait. What? I’m the only one who does that?).
Thanks for your time this morning and please enjoy this beautiful weekend,